University Data
About Dr. Russell Giordano, DMD
Dr. Russell Giordano, DMD received specialty training in prosthodontics at Harvard School of Dental Medicine and performed research at the Ceramics Processing Research Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology leading to a D.M.Sc. degree in 1991 and a Certificate in Prosthodontics. Dr. Giordano’s research involved novel ceramics processing techniques as well as analysis of stress developed during finishing procedures. His research paper won the Arthur R. Frechette Award presented by International Association of Dental Research Prosthodontic Group. Before being appointed at Boston University, Dr. Giordano was an Instructor at Harvard in the Department of Prosthodontics where he served as Associate Director of Complete Denture Prosthodontics and Course Director of Dental Materials.
Giordano presently has several private and federally funded projects. A major research focus is ceramics and ceramic matrix composites. Projects include the testing of current ceramic restorative systems as well as the development of ceramic matrix composites with improved resistance to fracture and higher toughness. Evaluation of new dental materials systems is also an ongoing part of his research activity. Evaluation of the effects of surface finish on strength of ceramics has involved the application of novel machining systems such as the CEREC CAD-CAM system and the Celay copy milling system and 3d printing systems and materials as well as the effects of polishing, fine grinding, glazing and etching.